
Friday, October 21, 2011

A day without pain.

Any time you can move around and enjoy your activities, pick flowers, plant trees, cook and shop and clean, is a day full of joy.

I researched diets to abet inflammation, to avoid arthritic joint problems, and this is what a typical day looks like.
This menu for the day comes from Lauren Slayton, RD, director of

Breakfast: Greek yogurt (six ounces) with one Tablespoon of berries.

Snack: A handful of walnuts.

Lunch: Spinach salad with peppers, onions, tomatoes, half a cup of beans, two slices of avocado, all dressed with olive oil and apple cider vinegar.

Snack: One ounce of dried cherries and a cup of green tea.

Dinner: Grilled wild salmon, four to six ounces, with ginger slivers, steamed broccoli, roasted cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, small sweet potato.

Dessert: One or two squares of dark chocolate.



  1. Sound good to me. I will have to try this.

  2. I have arthritis in my hands. Not good for an artist. When it acts up, I use the gin soaked raisins remedy. use golden raisins and cheap gin. put the raisins in a container and cover with gin. let it evaporate. store in an air tight container (one thing I read said not to refrigerate them). eat 9 gin soaked raisins a day. this really works but you may have to eat them for a week or so before you notice relief.

  3. This sounds not only healthy but delicious, too.

  4. I hope this had helped you to feel better. Certainly, I can see where these food choices would decrease or at least not increase inflammation. Very healthy too.

