
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fuel Up!

Since we retired, we never skip breakfast. 
Sure,  now we do have time to have a proper breakfast. It's true.  Time is a dear commodity.

Well, it's Saturday. You too can have a proper breakfast.

Here is scrambled eggs, with cheese,  over warmed up tortillas. I added avocado slices and homemade salsa.  I could have substituted sausage for eggs, even chicken slices.

If you are still in a hurry, prepare the scrambled eggs the night before, roll in the tortilla and save. In the morning, warm it up in the microwave, and run off to work, school or...

Fuelling up in the morning is a smart idea.


  1. Good thing I've eaten. This looks fabulous!

  2. It's a true, a good breakfast is essential for all day energy. that looks terrific! Sunday breakfast idea....

  3. Looks delish! Love the avocado and salsa for breakfast.

  4. you do make my mouth watery here,
    what a treat to be here,
